
Friction Testing

Our company is a pioneer and the only company in the Middle East that specialises Friction Testing

Airfield Pavement Markings

Reliance Asian Co. LLC

Friction Testing

Regular friction testing is essential to assess the skid resistance of runway pavement over time. Factors such as weathering, aging, usage, and contaminants can lead to deterioration in skid resistance. Among these factors, the deposit of rubber from landing jet aircraft tires is particularly problematic and persistent.

Rubber deposits left by aircraft tires can accumulate on the pavement surface, significantly reducing the texture and skid resistance. This poses a significant risk to aircraft operations, especially during wet conditions, as it compromises aircraft braking capability and directional control. In order to ensure the safety of aircraft operations, it is crucial to conduct friction testing on a regular basis.

The primary objective of friction testing is to measure and evaluate the coefficient of friction between the aircraft tires and the runway surface. By quantifying the skid resistance, aviation authorities and airport operators can monitor any decline in performance and take necessary measures to maintain the required friction levels.

Friction testing methods typically involve the use of specialized equipment and instruments. One commonly used method is the use of friction measuring devices that are towed behind a vehicle at a specified speed. These devices measure the frictional forces between the test tire and the pavement surface, providing valuable data on the skid resistance.

Another widely employed method is the use of continuous friction measuring equipment, which is permanently installed on the runway. This equipment continuously monitors and records the friction levels during aircraft operations, offering real-time feedback on the pavement condition.

Friction testing should be performed under various conditions, including dry, wet, and contaminated surfaces, to evaluate the performance of the pavement under different scenarios. This helps identify areas where skid resistance may be compromised and allows for timely corrective actions, such as rubber removal, resurfacing, or the application of friction-enhancing treatments.

Regular and systematic friction testing provides objective data that can be used to make informed decisions regarding runway maintenance and rehabilitation. It allows for proactive management of the runway surface, ensuring that the skid resistance meets the required standards and minimizing the risk of accidents or incidents due to reduced braking efficiency.

Aviation authorities and airport operators often establish friction testing programs that outline the frequency and locations for testing, as well as the acceptable minimum friction values. These programs ensure that friction testing is conducted consistently and in accordance with industry standards and best practices.

In conclusion, friction testing plays a crucial role in maintaining the skid resistance of runway pavement. By identifying areas of reduced friction, caused by factors such as rubber deposits, it enables timely interventions to restore the required skid resistance levels. Regular testing helps ensure the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations by preventing runway-related incidents and accidents. Friction testing is a vital component of runway maintenance programs and should be conducted regularly to ensure the continued safety of aircraft operations.

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